Anatomy of a Viral Post

Avatar Posted by mallton under Social Media
From 4039 days ago
Made Hot by: justretweet on July 11, 2013 1:18 pm
When your daily website traffic increases by a factor of 16 due to a single blog post, it's worth looking into what happened. This is the breakdown of a Google+ that went viral.


Written by JulianEdelman
4019 days ago

There are some great ideas articulated here. It's hard to go out and say "I'm going to make this viral," but if you are, it's helpful to know the anatomy of it.

Written by tiroberts
4033 days ago

Wonderful post and case study, Mike. It does take some effort and skill to create a good viral post, but once you've got the technique down, you're good.

My first viral post was a case study I did detailing my traffic generation efforts, complete with stats, comment screen shots and all. It went haywire and got the attention of a few top bloggers in my niche, who all ended up offering me guest posts spots on their blog.

You've got some great content here and I'm glad you're sharing it with our bizsugar community.

Keep up the great work!


Written by ObjectOriented
4038 days ago

What a nice story Mike. Impressive. It's very hard to think a great content to post. There are so many ideas similar to mine. Google + huh?, so I should not stop sharing my blog in Google +.

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