We should have understand by now we have to give selflessly in this blogging world. It's totally fine to see others achieve success. Why do we have to jealous of others success? Starting from day 1 when you start a blog, you have to start giving.

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Written by yoni67
4867 days ago

Good advice but I'm not sure I agree with the "selfless" aspect. Bloggers blog to market themselves and their businesses, and readers read to get something of value. Both sides do have an agande. But done successfully blogging can be a great 2-way street.


Written by lyekh
4865 days ago

Hi Yoni,

In some way of other, it works that way. Being a blogger, we are also reading other blogs. If we come across anything that is help, we are sure we will let more people know about it. Whatever you give, you will get it back one day.

Thanks for commenting, Yoni.


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