Five Reasons Businesses Must Be Social To Survive

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Social Media
From 5049 days ago
Made Hot by: businessavante on September 29, 2010 8:43 pm
We're all about small business and social media here at, so it's only natural that when we decided to create a post on the importance of what small businesses do here and on other social media platforms everyday to grow their businesses, we drew advice from our community as well. Being social is not simply a matter of the latest trend but of survival for most small businesses. Here are some of the basics.


Written by mikevinogradov
5045 days ago

A great post! I've just translated it for the Russian audience:

Thank you for the actual topic;)

Written by CIKMarketing
5048 days ago

Great article, thanks for the post Shawn.

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