How Tweets Helped Me Buy My New Smartphone

Avatar Posted by HGBiz under Social Media
From 5371 days ago
Made Hot by: Inkaholic76 on November 11, 2009 4:25 pm
Offline Business is changing as buyers are becoming educated, opinionated, and deliberate in their purchases. Social Media has major influence-and business must learn how to learn from and subsequently influence their voice.


Written by tonybordonaro
5368 days ago

well Ive been looking into the iphone for a long while now...keep hoping the monthly internet fees will go down or some sort of better packaged deal...thanks for the article

Written by lyceum
5370 days ago

Harmony Thiessen:

Thank you for your contribution to BizSugar. Keep 'em coming! :)

All the Best,

Martin Lindeskog

Written by HGBiz
5370 days ago

Thanks Lyceum! Thanks for taking the time to comment.

Written by lyceum
5371 days ago

Harmony Thiessen: Great story on how your purchased your new smartphone by using input from your social media contacts.

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