In-Text Blog Ad Yields 3 Times as Many Clicks as a Popup

Avatar Posted by prussakov under Social Media
From 4125 days ago
Made Hot by: FutureVision on April 11, 2013 5:08 pm
I ran a basic level split test, serving two identical ads to my blog's readers: one (version A) in a popup, another (version B) as a call to action inside of a blog post dedicated to the subject. The latter outperformed the former one threefold!


Written by mallton
4124 days ago

Thanks so much! Now I have some testing of my own to do.

Written by prussakov
4124 days ago

Let me know what you find out, Malton.

Written by tiroberts
4124 days ago

Interesting findings. I would think that the pop up would perform better than the in text ad; guess not. Thanks for sharing this info with us.


Written by prussakov
4124 days ago

Yes, so I thought too. Apparently, not.

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