Is Content Marketing Dead?

Avatar Posted by centralpawebster under Social Media
From 2455 days ago
Made Hot by: SimplySmallBiz on November 7, 2017 11:46 pm
It’s clear why people are confused about what social media can do for a business… much of the information is contradictory. On Friday, I read two posts related to the effectiveness of social media, both showcasing different – and even conflicting – examples.


Written by lyceum
2452 days ago

Rachel: Great to hear! I will let you know when my book is completed. Thanks for your interest in my writing! :)

Written by lyceum
2453 days ago

Rachel: Have you read Donald Miller's book on story branding? I am in a period of compiling my first forthcoming book on tea, and I will blog about my writing journey, passion for tea, self-publishing process, etc. I will continue to create and curate content, and adding my $0.02 to online conversation. I see it as important parts of my personal branding and referral marketing. I have plenty of facets of my worklife! ;)

Best Premises,


Written by centralpawebster
2452 days ago

Hi Martin, Thanks for the comment. I have not read it yet, but I will add that to my list! You will have to let me know when your book is completed!

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