My Top 5 Things to NOT Do When Business Blogging

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From 5091 days ago
Made Hot by: HomeBusinessMedia on August 23, 2010 4:28 pm
If you value reader engagement and long-term relationship building over SEO, this list is a must-read.


Written by jakeadams
5082 days ago

Excellent tips overall. However, I think a link dump is ok as long as it is accompanied by quality posts. There is simply too much information/articles/daily news to write about. Thanks.

Written by HomeBusinessMedia
5086 days ago

The number of posts is pretty subjective and depends on your audience. Same with length of a post. Once or twice a week might be enough for some. Several times a day might be expected from others. There seems a trend to do fewer full posts with the emergence of Twitter, Facebook and other shorter form social platforms. Though whether this has more to do with the preference of bloggers or the expectations of their audience is unclear.

Written by businessavante
5091 days ago

Hear! Hear! Especially #'s 4 & 5. I'd say the number of blogs per day (#4) depends on the quality, too. For some, 1 a day is more than enough - maybe 1 a week is better.


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