Earl Q. Wadsworth is about to find out just how many of those Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook connections really are his friends...and it ain't gonna be pretty!


Written by 9devon9
4833 days ago

Thanx Braden!


Written by yoni67
4840 days ago


You are making me break my exile (temporarily) by posting my article.

Thanks to all:

Cindy: Your take in the fable is a very good one! Mine is that for many people it has become somewhat of an ego trip.

Duncan: I think that once a month there should be a Twitter "Whittling day." Everybody should have to eliminate fifty percent of their lists. You are right not just about having a shitload of followers, there are also people who follow 200,000 others. There can be no relationship with those numbers. It's a silly game.

Ofira, Shosh and B.G.: Thanks.

Now back to my quite life in self-imposed exile...


Written by swssem
4840 days ago


Your story is a great fable for this social media age! What do you think the moral of the story is? Here's my stab:

Moral: A true friend is, well, a friend - someone who cares about you, appreciates your best qualities, and will show up at your party (and invite you to his!). A social media follower is....someone who follows you; don't expect much more. There's certainly some overlap between the two, but they are not synonymous!

Written by BusinessGuru
4840 days ago


Thanks for the tweet and the post!


Written by 9devon9
4833 days ago

Thanx Braden!


Written by ofirafromjobshuk
4841 days ago


Great Yoni and thanks for posting this Braden because I know Yoni wouldn't have. Pride.


Written by ShoshFromJobShuk
4841 days ago


I'll break my silence to vote and thanks Braden!


Written by businessavante
4841 days ago

What a co-inky-dink!

I "protected" my tweets Friday so I have to approve who follows (like FB). This afternoon (before seeing this) I spent 5 hours going through my twitter follows/followers. I carefully eliminated them 1-by-1 based on too many tweets dominating my page (only 5, because I'd been keeping them off in the 1st place), and more importantly on who They followed (about 150 eliminated). If they followed weirdos, idiots, spammers, or porno - they were gone (regardless of their personal reputation). I started w/slightly over 200 of each, and now have 50 left - manageable. A couple weeks ago I saw that I was "following" a marijuana site, which alerted me to the fact that these people morphed AFTER I followed them.

The shining example was a big-shot businessman with 155,000 followers who only followed 43 people - friends, family & business associates? NO, of 43 people he chose to follow, one was Snooki!! (He was gone just from the disparity in numbers anyway). Those following over 10K were all suspect - they carefully checked each & every one?? NO, they auto-followed, and then forgot - or they bought 'em.

My reason? My picture & My name are on my twitter page, and I don't want to be dragged through the mud with those that don't do their due diligence.


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