Earlier in the week, I was sent an email from a colleague wishing me “Happy Holidays” and included was a link to a video that portrayed the story of the Nativity as told through social media. Personally, I found it to be very clever and in case you aren’t one of the nearly 2 million individuals to have already viewed this YouTube video, I have embedded it below.


Written by B2CMKTG
4964 days ago

Sounds like you have a beautiful view. Thanks for the well wishes - Happy Holidays to you as well. Here is hoping that 2011 is even better than 2010.

Written by yoni67
4965 days ago


Awesome video. The thing that makes it fun for me (even though I'm not Christian I still adore Christmastime), is that I live in the Har Homa neighborhood of Jerusalem where we have a hilltop vista overlooking Bethlehem. After I watched the video I simply stepped outside to see the place. Kind of cool.

Thanks for a great post.

Merry Christmas to you and yours and best of luck in 2011!


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