What the Heck Is Up With LinkedIn Hashtags?

Avatar Posted by centralpawebster under Social Media
From http://strellasocialmedia.com 2224 days ago
Made Hot by: JoshRed on June 27, 2018 6:07 am
You may have noticed that when you log into LinkedIn, there is now a list of “hashtags you follow” on your home page. If you’re wondering, “What’s up with that?” and if there’s any value to using hashtags on LinkedIn, you’re not alone. Here’s the skinny…


Written by Eyecatchy Designs
2219 days ago

yes its use for viral your content on internet! for example #website-design-uk

Written by lyceum
2220 days ago

Rachel: Yes, we have to follow along and see what will come out of this test.

Written by lyceum
2222 days ago

Rachel: I don't think I have seen this feature yet. I have done hashtags now and then on LinkedIn. It looks like LinkedIn is doing a "copy & text" from e.g., Instagram. I see positive opportunities with searching for hashtags and keywords that you are interesting in. The question if it could become to find relevant stuff for your profession.

Written by centralpawebster
2221 days ago

Indeed. It remains to be seen if anything will come of this 'test.' Thanks so much for your input.

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