10 things we are ignoring in our bootstrapped startup - thedannorris.com

Avatar Posted by dannorris under Startups
From http://thedannorris.com 3942 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on October 11, 2013 10:40 am
Are you overwhelmed with all of the things you ‘should’ be focusing on as a startup founder? Conversions, validation, split testing, scale, design, pricing… the list goes on and on. Here are 10 things we are ignoring in our bootstrapped startup WP Curve.


Written by tiroberts
3934 days ago

Insightful article. It's important to make sure that we're paying attention to the health of all of the moving parts within our business. Otherwise, things can get out of hand real fast.

Written by kingofcontent92
3941 days ago

Start up really sucks when you do not know what to do.

You are the savior of every man that hopes for a better future through virtual space.

A thumbs up to the heroes of the newbies.

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