10 Ways to Kickstart Your Business Today

Avatar Posted by Evan Collins under Startups
From http://smallbiztrends.com 4178 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on February 18, 2013 12:59 pm
Kickstarter has become one of the most innovative methods of raising money in recent years. Some entrepreneurs have used it to crowdsource the funds for various projects. But it is not the only way of raising money for startup or business expansion. Here are some other possibilities for the entrepreneur seeking startup or expansion funds outside of bank loans or other traditional means.


Written by AngelBiz
4176 days ago

Seeking funds from non-traditional sources is the best alternative to getting loan from the bank. My recommendation is to seek funds from these sources in this order – 1) cash flow from existing operations 2) Government grants 3) crowd sourcing (e.g. Kickstarter) 4) Friends and families 5) Bank loan 6) Angel investors 7) Venture capitalist

Written by Squawk Media
4177 days ago

Kickstarter and crowdsourcing in general have changed the funding model of businesses forever. Along with some of the other options listed in this post, they now represent the best options for businesses seeking money for startup or launch of a new product.

Written by Entrepreneurosaurus
4177 days ago

Agree with you 100%, LadySophy. Also more entrepreneurs should consider bootstrapping as an option. Getting money from friends and family, as also mentioned in this post, can be a bit trickier, but I think crowdsourcing especially has tremendous potential, because this way you get funding from those actually likely to buy and enjoy your product.

Written by LadySophy
4177 days ago

Seeking customer validation has to be my favorite point here. How do you know if you've created a great product before getting customer feedback? You don't! It's easier to sell any idea with huge customer support behind it.

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