12 Ways to kill your startup within a year

12 Ways to kill your startup within a year  - http://insertcoffeetostartup.com Avatar Posted by kaymac under Startups
From http://insertcoffeetostartup.com 5017 days ago
Made Hot by: sannwood on October 11, 2010 6:55 pm
12 ways you may be killing your chances for startup survival. Are you falling prey to these bad habits?


Written by m4bmarketing
5016 days ago

I would add another one and that is not finding out if there are enogh customers who buy your type of product or service.


Written by kaymac
5016 days ago

Definitely! Before jumping head first into launching a new business, do LOTS of research!

Written by Small Business Manifesto
5017 days ago

Like number 10 best. Focus on customers. Forget the glitz!

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