4 Leadership Lessons for entrepreneurs and non-profit leaders on how to build a bold,clear, authentic identity.

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Written by businessavante
4870 days ago

General Patton! That magnificent bastard! I read his BOOK!!

"War As I Knew It"

Edited posthumously by his wife in 1947. (I've read a lot of books by generals & commanders - always keep in mind that in their view, they never made a mistake in judgment (there were always excuses - they weren't allowed to execute the plan the way they wanted, not enough time, not enough troops, not enough ordnance, etc.).


Written by yoni67
4870 days ago


George Patton. West Point. Mexican raids to capture Pancho Villa. WWI tank commander. WWII General extraordinaire.

His death was tragic. Out hunting pheasants only months after WWII ended. His driver passes a car on a blind turn and crashes into another vehicle. Patton is paralyzed and dies days later. What a tragic end to such a career. So much possibility lay ahead.

He was outspoken. He did piss a lot of people off and break rules. But he was a leader of the highest caliber.

Thanks for a great read.

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