5 Essential White Hat SEO Techniques for Startups

Avatar Posted by mikeabasov under Startups
From http://marketingbeforefunding.com 4159 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on March 9, 2013 10:27 pm
Any SEO strategy for a startup needs to focus on white hat techniques that will help to grow your business online. By mapping out your strategy as early on as possible, you can get the jump on other startups that only get to grips with SEO once they’ve been around for a few months.


Written by juliusshawn
4157 days ago

Informative article Mike. I also prefer white hat SEO techniques for no matter how many times Google change their algorithm, your site won't be affected. Instead you just have to change strategy on how to optimize more on your site to coincide with the new rules.

Written by mikeabasov
4156 days ago

Thank you for your comment! I always follow a simple rule when it comes to SEO: "You can't outsmart Google."

Written by HeatherStone
4159 days ago

Hi Mike,

Many entrepreneurs and small businesses are no doubt aware of the importance both content marketing and social media play in their early marketing efforts. What's less often understood is the necessity for a consistent and balanced approach. This is often more challenging than it might at first appear and requires careful and strategic planning to yield the desired results.

Written by mikeabasov
4156 days ago

Thanks Heather!

Yes, balance and focus are very important. I'm working on some articles that tackle both of these issues.

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