5 Steps For Launching Your Ideas Into Successful Startups

Avatar Posted by rvarshneya under Startups
From http://rahulvarshneya.com 4232 days ago
Made Hot by: Squawk Media on December 25, 2012 12:45 am
I have put together these steps for you to follow that will see your idea through to launch, so that you don’t have to ‘figure out’ for yourself, like I had to.


Written by lyceum
4227 days ago

Rahul: My face hurts! ;) Let's talk soon...

Written by arunii
4227 days ago


Your post become inspiration for me because i am a big information consumer on internet and always keep my higher priority tasks at oneside and always afraid on starting new startup's

I love the line "If you want to start up, just shut up and do it"

Thanks thanks thanks !

Written by rvarshneya
4226 days ago

Thank you. That's fantastic! :)

Written by SMARTSMMBiz
4228 days ago

LOL, slap or punch...hmm?

Written by mallaharidat
4228 days ago

Your first tip is truly a classic!! Yes indeed. That is great wisdom right next to doing the heavy lifting to come up with a MFP.

Thanks for sharing this great advice.

Written by HeatherStone
4232 days ago

Hi Rahul,

No one could argue with a list of tips that begins with the suggestion that you "Punch yourself in the face." No one would dare! But it's very true. Overcoming that inertia that keeps you doing what you've been doing is the toughest part of the process sometimes.

Written by tcamba
4232 days ago

This is just what I needed. I always tend to procrastinate with a lot of things. Whew!

Written by rvarshneya
4232 days ago

Thank you!

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