Building a Business is Time Well-Spent

Avatar Posted by centralpawebster under Startups
From 4582 days ago
Made Hot by: Small Business Bluesman on January 14, 2012 4:49 pm
Entrepreneurs have a natural drive to achieve. Moreover, we love what we do. Some days it is ‘work,’ but most days, we’re content doing what we do all day.

There are a lot of hours put into building a business. But if you’re inspired, you’re happy to do it.


Written by HeatherStone
4582 days ago

Honestly, Rachel, folks who work for an employer do the same kind of stuff you and I do. They simply can't imagine willingly doing it without a boss breathing down their necks. What they really mean is, I can't imagine what I would do if I had no one supervising my activities daily.

Written by centralpawebster
4578 days ago

Heather - What you describe is exactly why I decided to start a business. If I'm going to work that hard, it may was well be on my own terms!

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