An early member of the BizSugar, David Siteman Garland has often shared posts including his online show The Rise to the Top here with our community. In this podcast interview with Chris Brogan, David talks about starting and evolving his business and the need to change business models over time. You won't want to miss this energetic exchange and the tips for entrepreneurship that are shared. Be sure to check it out and leave some comments below.


Written by lyceum
4269 days ago

I am glad to see that David Siteman Garland is on the other side of the interview table for once! ;) I agree with Shawn's comment: David is a jolly good fellow and I have been communicating with him via social media channels. I look forward to meet him someday.

Written by ShawnHessinger
4269 days ago

The thing that has always impressed me about David is his approachability. Once, while connecting with him via social media when I was serving as community manager for, we wound up on the phone together talking about each others' businesses. I don't know whether he remembers the conversation or not, but the fact is that Dave is a naturally friendly and social guy. I think that's what makes him a great entrepreneur and a fit teacher to share what he knows with others. Thanks for the interview, Chris. It was a real treat!

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