Bubblegum.ie is a grocery coupon site which is in its early stages but already getting great exposure. I interviewed the owner Philip Dargan to find out more.


Written by HeatherStone
4558 days ago

I think that any business that starts out with this kind of angle to its marketing (helping with something people really care about) you've already won half the battle in terms of marketing what you do.

Written by nialldevitt
4560 days ago

Well done Philip for showing such leadership and innovation, you've now build the momentum to make Bubblegum.ie a success. I really like what you had to say about not taking no for an answer in business, that's the type of determination we need in Ireland right now. Thanks Sian for another great interview - you're becoming the first lady of TYB :)

Written by Sian Phillips
4560 days ago

Thanks Niall. Philip really has some great ideas which came across so well on the radio I knew he would be worth speaking to. Glad you liked the interview.

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