How To Determine Market Demand For Your Startup

Avatar Posted by rvarshneya under Startups
From 4246 days ago
Made Hot by: Marketing_Mashup on December 15, 2012 2:16 am
When you’re starting up, how do you know whether there is a large enough pool of people that face the same problems or challenges that you are trying to solve?


Written by GetApp
4239 days ago

Nice article, thanks for sharing. I would like to leave another source to identify your market, another one from "Google the God": Check out Google trends, it will give you great insights into what people are interested in and where. I know that we live in the world of globalization but markets still work differently. A product that can be successful in the US doesn´t have to be in Europe and so on.

And for the landing pages, I would also check out Hubspot. They deliver great ebooks:

Written by rvarshneya
4239 days ago

Thanks for adding to the links. I agree, they're great resources too!

Written by bigmoneyweb
4246 days ago

Well written. Monitoring social media is like drinking from a fire hose. If you don’t abridge the flow, you will get washed away. Measuring market demand through social media is a growing opportunity that may prove to be extremely valuable to entrepreneurs. There are many companies currently developing software to measure “social media sentiment” to determine public perception over time and pinpoint when a brand is under attack and, more importantly, why. Thanks for sharing.

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