Is Your Business Plan Covered in Cobwebs?

Avatar Posted by smpayton under Startups
From 4288 days ago
Made Hot by: smallbizsavvy on October 31, 2012 2:16 pm
If you haven't looked at your business plan in a while, it's time to take it out and update it. These tips will help you assess what needs to change in your plan.


Written by lyceum
4288 days ago

Susan: The post had a scary illustration with a coweb! ;) It got my attention! :) We have recently starting to use LivePlan that you mention in your post. It is important to point out that the ideas in your business plan should be acted on! Great ending paragraph:

"Remember: your business plan is designed to help you, so get the most out of it by regularly reviewing it and assigning action items to goals."

Written by tiroberts
4288 days ago

This is an awesome post Susan. I love your tone and the cobweb analogy.

Business plans are especially essential to the growth of any small business, online or offline. I used to shy away from doing business plans because, like you said, I saw them as being those super thick encyclopedia like plans that I couldn't even imagine myself doing. However, I soon realized that my plan didn't have to be like that and in the end I actually wrote my entire business plan down on a few index cards, lol.

Thanks for sharing your insights with us on BizSugar. I appreciate it!


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