Some entrepreneurs start polling venture capitalists for that multi-million dollar investment before they even have a business plan. That’s like trying to sell part of something to a stranger for big money when you haven’t fully defined it yet. It won’t work, it costs time and money, and hurts your credibility when you need them later.


Written by AngelBiz
4117 days ago

Absolutely agree. Venture firms and angel investors bring more than just money when they invest in your start-up. The knowledge and experience along with the contacts and network adds lot of value to your start-up. That's why it is important to evaluate them on more than just the money they invest.

Written by bigmoneyweb
4123 days ago

When it comes to building any form of business, i always believes that the ideas and plans comes before the funding. If you've made plans for the funding of a business without having an idea of the business you want to start, it makes no sense at all therefore, i agree with all you said here. Thanks for sharing this with BizSugar community.


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