As an entrepreneur, you must always be clear-headed and maintain a bird’s eye perspective. It is crucial that you focus on the right tasks!

The key question on success and growing your company is: With what kind of tasks do you spend most of your time?


Written by Berndgeropp
4445 days ago

Dear Sian,

Thanks for your comment. Yes, unfortunately lots of entrepreneurs fall into the "operational trap".


Written by Sian Phillips
4454 days ago

This is a brilliant post Bernd. It's something I have fallen foul of myself in the past plus seen others do it too. I now always advise people to delegate jobs they perhaps aren't good at eg. accounts, sales, office work and concentrate on what they can do well. And as an entrepreneur this is often the overseeing and working on the business rather than in it. Thanks so much for sharing on and I will be sharing on Social Media

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