There Are No Magic Shortcuts: An Interview With Martin Zwilling

Avatar Posted by rvarshneya under Startups
From 4195 days ago
Made Hot by: thelastword on February 2, 2013 3:27 am
Rahul Varshneya interviews Martin Zwilling on how to successfully startup and effectively market your brand and your startup.


Written by mallaharidat
4187 days ago

My favorite response - A great solution to a real problem in a large and growing market, delivered with great marketing and great customer service will demonstrate “hockey stick” growth. There are no magic shortcuts that I know.

Great article and interview! Thanks for sharing.

Written by rvarshneya
4187 days ago

Thank you for reading and commenting!

Written by BizRock
4191 days ago

Great interview with Martin Zwilling. True! There are no magic shortcuts!

Thank you for sharing!

Written by tcamba
4195 days ago

Whoever says that starting your own business is EASY is probably never run one. It's so hard when you are just starting your own venture, you go to wear a lot of hats. Only those who truly work smart and work hard will truly succeed!

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