Why I Love Being An Entrepreneur

Avatar Posted by GreenMango under Startups
From https://medium.com 3683 days ago
Made Hot by: mikehartman1 on June 27, 2014 8:40 am
Running a business has completely changed my life. I don’t say that with a hint of exaggeration.

I cannot imagine life working for somebody else now that I’ve taken the plunge.


Written by GreenMango
3683 days ago

True, Geri - it isn't for everyone. After all, many entrepreneurs need employees!

Thanks for reading, and all the best.

Written by grmond56
3683 days ago

Nice story Roy. :) That's the American dream. My daughter said to me once that she didn't think she could be a stay at home mom. To this day, she still isn't. She loves her job.

Entrepreneurship isn't for everyone, I guess. :)


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