If you’re not able to negotiate a work from home contract in your current job, there are plenty of alternatives for you. If you’re a busy mom who wants to get back into work yet maintain the stay at home parent role and would welcome an income boost, there are a wide range of opportunities, most of which simply require a computer or laptop.


Written by HeatherStone
4105 days ago

Hi Kristen,

Truth is there are probably an almost endless number of businesses you can start from home, including some you might eventually want to do from an office or other brick and mortar location. The benefit of working from home, other than personal preference and productivity, is quite honestly low overhead. So even if you have enough money to rent an office, but don't really need one at first, why not wait until the venture is revenue positive before moving it out of your living room? Thanks for sharing with the BizSugar community.

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