You Don't Need An 'Idea' To Start Up

Avatar Posted by rvarshneya under Startups
From 4272 days ago
Made Hot by: crystalx72 on November 15, 2012 5:59 am
You’ve decided you want to start up and you yearn for 'ideas' that can launch you into successful entrepreneurship. Isn’t this just something you identify with? Well, the bad news is that you’re yearning for the wrong things to help you start up.


Written by lyceum
4226 days ago

Rahul: You post triggered a business idea in my mind now! Go out and find a problem and then solve it! ;)

Written by Mintcorp
4271 days ago

Well put. Often the best business ideas are from ordinary people who are experiencing that "pain point" themselves. Entrepreneurship comes in after.

Written by rvarshneya
4271 days ago

Thank you!

Written by HeatherStone
4272 days ago

Seemingly counterintuitive, yet so correct, Rahul. I think there are far too many entrepreneurs who spend too much time in search of that one great idea.

Written by rvarshneya
4272 days ago

Thank you Heather. I get asked a lot about this by aspiring entrepreneurs whom I coach!

Written by MarkT
4272 days ago

I love this article. This is something that I have been preaching to people for a while now. You DON'T need a revolutionary idea to start a business. You just need to be able to execute it better, more efficiently or simply market it better. Great Post Rahul.

Written by rvarshneya
4272 days ago

Thank you Mark!

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