Your Startup Business Plan: It's Not An Option

Avatar Posted by YEVF under Startups
From 5670 days ago
Made Hot by: on January 16, 2009 5:17 am
Well, we are less than a couple of weeks into the transition of stepping into the driver's seat here at Blogtrepreneur. So far, we are on track to attaining all of the goals we have set out to accomplish within the first month. One of the major goals was to begin the re-branding and re-juvenation of Blogtrepreneur. You are currently looking at what we feel to be the New & Improved layout and design of and as you have noticed we are also posting fresh and timely posts 5 days per week! This has all been part of our mini-business plan that my brother and I put together prior to acquiring, therefore we felt it may be perfect timing to share a quick overview of the mini-biz-plan.


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