Confucius on the Importance of Business Planning

Avatar Posted by TaylorBPT under Success Stories
From 3369 days ago
Made Hot by: PMVirtual on May 11, 2015 3:29 pm
Business plans have surprisingly become a polarizing subject among entrepreneurs. Some claim that business plans have become outdated and are no longer necessary for those looking to start a business. While this argument may hold some weight, it overlooks the main purpose of writing a plan.


Written by Betand92
3364 days ago

This is an appropriate topic for businessman like us..thanks for sharing...its a big help.

Written by HeatherStone
3368 days ago

Hi Taylor,

You talk about planning for the long term here, and I'm sure most entrepreneurs would agree. My question is how do you balance this with the need to be responsive to changes in the market? I'd say striking this balance is perhaps the greatest challenge entrepreneurs can face.

Written by lyceum
3364 days ago

How about to use an agile approached demonstrated in Lean Canvas (inspired by the book, Business Model Generation)?

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