One year. 14,000 votes for your articles. Almost 2,000 comments left.

Helping build a business community.

Need I say more? Happy Anniversary!


Written by thelodgeshoper
4631 days ago

Great Article. Really enjoyed the read.

Written by yoni67
4712 days ago


Thought you might find this of some interest:

Written by businessavante
4710 days ago

The ones I saw were Air National Guard - with brown & black camo - mid/late '80's. For the bomb run, they swoop down & in on an angle - really fast, then climb & swoop away.

Another airshow announced an F-16 was about to swoop by at very low altitude from our left as fast as they were allowed with people around. He told us it would be so fast that by the time we heard it, it'd be past us heading right. We heard this really loud roar - by the time we saw it, it was whooshing away like a bullet! It was subsonic, but still too fast to see when we heard it, even though we were all looking right where it was coming from. It's impossible to visually track a jet going that fast. Impressive!

Written by yoni67
4710 days ago

Starting at 1:50 of this video especially...I just don't think I've ever seen such a beautiful bird. Not sleek, not the hottest thing in the sky, but there's just something that makes me say WOW!

If I was offered a free ride in the jet of my choice, this would be the one.

Written by yoni67
4710 days ago


Lavi is a young tiger. Kfir is a bear cub. The Kfir was the first indigenous fighter here. In Israel it was quickly replaced by the F-15, but it saw a lot of export to the Third World.

The "flying wing" was a big dream of many designers, but as you mention, instability was deadly. Not until computer tech caught up was it made possible.

Perhaps it's time to add some new submission tabs for BizSugar articles? Humor/Satire, Music, and Aviation :)

I used to hit the airshow circuit quite a bit with a friend of the family. I guess it probably started when I was about five. I guess things like that can be the catalyst for a kid becoming an aviation enthusiast.

I'm no expert in tech aspects of planes, but I still love just driving up to the airport, sitting outside on the obeservation deck and watching planes land and take off. I could stay there for hours and never get bored!


Written by businessavante
4711 days ago

Just saw the video (I had put in an extra L the 1st time). It indeed looks like it's part F-16, part Mirage, which makes a lot of sense. What does Kfir mean (the Israeli customized Mirage with a small canard - forward tail)? The larger canard of the Lavi gives it automatic aerodynamic recovery from a stall, even w/o the help of computer controlled "fly-by-wire" (which I'm sure it had). The F-16 was the 1st for that - it's too unstable to fly by pilot commands alone, and the F-117 stealth is nicknamed the Wobblin' Goblin for that reason - no one could fly it w/o the wire.

Sweden's Saab Viggen may have been the 1st modern production fighter with a canard, though they're nothing new - the original Wright Flyer was a canard (it's French for duck - something about how ducks land gave the forward tail its name).

The neat thing about a fighter that's very unstable is that stability is the opposite of maneuverability - if the computer can keep correcting, an unstable fighter will jink much quicker than a stable one. Think of a glider, with long, high aspect wings - so stable all it needs is wind & thermal energy to stay up a while. Stable, yes, but not capable of pulling high G maneuvers (nor are they designed to be structurally strong enough to hold up under that kind of force).

Written by businessavante
4711 days ago

YT is giving me the run around for the Lavi footage - I'll check it later. What does Lavi mean? (Shir of Iran - the tank - means Lion of Iran.)

Written by businessavante
4711 days ago

I saw four A-7 Corsair II's do a practice bomb run at an airshow - they dropped small bombs that exploded. What was cool was the bomb run itself - the formation and way they flew in. I always loved the P-38 - the "Forked Tail Devil" to the Germans, and "Whistling Death" to the Japanese. It was the best 2 engine single-seat fighter of WWII, and the 1st 400mph+ fighter in service of any country (if I'm remembering this right - I'm going on memory). I also love the Jug - my favorite version of it was the contra-prop prototype XP-72 - much faster than the Mustang, and it looked really cool with the longer nose, and scoop. Another fave - the XF5U Flying Pancake or Flying Flapjack. You gotta see it - and when they scrapped it, it was almost indestructible.

Written by yoni67
4712 days ago


Final thought on the Lavi (video clip below). From a technological standpoint, I think it could have been a great plane. Some said it might have out-performed the F-16. But...

When America is supplying your air-force with F-16s and F-15s at a DEEPLY discounted price, I'm not sure it's cool to build your own plane, for domestic and foreign consumption, which will be a competitor to those you are getting from your friend (America).

The U.S. probably should have made it conditional that to accept the 15s and 16s had a strict non-competition clause either written or un-written.

Written by yoni67
4712 days ago

Short clip of the Lavi I found:

To me, it looks like an F-16 in the front, a Mirage in the rear, and it has the canards of the EuroFighter Typhoon, decades before.

Written by yoni67
4712 days ago

My faves of all-time:

P-38 Lightning

P-47 Thunderbolt

Lancaster Bomber

In terms of looks only, I think my all-time favorite is the A-7 Corsair. I don't know what it is, but I just love the looks of it.

Written by businessavante
4712 days ago

Interesting - the Lavi sounds fascinating. I've read lots about fighter aircraft - after WWII, the economies of many world powers were too far gone to continue the expense of having their own program. (The US economy tripled during WWII while the rest of the world was bombed into oblivion.) Britain was the 1st truly major air power to fade - you should see some of their experimental ideas from the late 50's/early '60's - but there wasn't enough money to bring it off. Of all countries, when you look from the end of WWII to now, you might be surprised to see Sweden next in line after the US & the USSR - next with swept wing fighters like the F-86 (the Tunan = barrel), next with mach 1 fighters like the F-100 (the Lansen), next with mach 2 fighters - the Draken (dragon), then the Viggen (thunderbolt), and on. Somehow they do it. Fighters are the coolest, but I also love the A-10 Thunderbolt II with its giant gatling gun that can shoot through several feet of steel-reinforced concrete - low tech, but BAAAAAD!! And the blended wing-body mach 3+ SR-71 !!!

Written by CanadianFinance
4719 days ago

Happy Anniversary Duncan!

Written by businessavante
4719 days ago


Written by yoni67
4721 days ago

Hope you're not planning a trip to the beach in the Carolinas in the next few days.

Written by yoni67
4721 days ago

We're much the same way. Our exception is camping at the Dead Sea or Sea of Galilee, with the dogs by our side, usially for a night. They are like our kids. Our oldest, a Canaan-dog, is ten. I tried once in my life when she was 2 to leave her at the kennel for two nights. She cried like a banshee when she saw us leaving. I went and picked her up and took her right back home vowing never to try it again.

People who don't have animals generally don't understand it's part of the family, whether cat, dog, monkey or ant.

Anyways, looks like the Hurricane's gonna be a monster.

Written by businessavante
4721 days ago

I actually haven't spent a night away from home since I got my 1st cat in October 1978. Partly to be there for my furry little buddy, but also because it's no fun traveling alone.

Written by saraib820
4722 days ago

Who would like the honor of casting VOTE #70 for our Moderator Extraordinaire, Duncan?!

Written by yoni67
4737 days ago


Mass-shooting near Akron. Stay safe my friend!

Written by businessavante
4737 days ago

I just checked-in & saw your comment - 8 people dead, including the gunman. No news of it on local TV. About half-way between here & my brother's house.

Written by yoni67
4740 days ago

I do love you though Duncan. You are the exception. You are a good man!

Written by yoni67
4740 days ago

It's frenetic, the kind of background they should play in nature documentaries as great white sharks are in a feeding frenzy. Good stuff man.

Written by businessavante
4740 days ago

Yoni - check out:

It's only 49 seconds - of craziness. (I laugh every time I see it.)

(I saw the url in the 'share' mode.)

Written by yoni67
4748 days ago

Mahavishnu Orchestra Miles Out --good stuff!

Pretty impressive list of people he's played with, Carlos Santana, Herbie Hancock, Miles Davis, and one of my favorite's who I happened to be listening to today, the Great George Benson.

Written by businessavante
4748 days ago

Was it wild enough? (kidding)

Written by businessavante
4748 days ago

Yoni - I don't know how to get the YT links, but go to YT, and enter John McLaughlin Miles Out. That's his 2nd of many goes at his custom Ring Modulator. He's a Crazy man - my kinda guy all the way. From 1976 - it might remind you of Jimi. Narada Michael Walden is the drummer - a perfect match for Jawn (like Mitch Mitchell & Jimi).

Written by businessavante
4748 days ago

For mellow McLaughlin - 31 years later, find: John McLaughlin Crossroads 2007 - the top video. It's in the vein of the Gary Moore song Rivkah liked.

Written by businessavante
4748 days ago

Oops! search: Mahavishnu Orchestra Miles Out - that'll pull it up immediately. I just heard it twice - and I might go a couple more! Now in his 60's, he's still quite capable of going nuts on guitar. Also in Shakti - an acoustic Jazz/South Indian band at the same time. The top YT video under Shakti pulls up a live video of him playing. Nobody can do what he does.

Written by businessavante
4748 days ago

Ralphe Armstrong is the teen aged bassist.

Written by yoni67
4748 days ago

I'll check it out and get back to you in a bit...

Written by yoni67
4748 days ago


Have you heard of this guitarist/singer? Thought you might enjoy his music. I heard this on foxnews the other day and I think he rocks.

The sound quality is crappy...looks like someone recorded the tv with a video camera

Written by yoni67
4748 days ago

My playlist while finishing a project for the next 1/2 hour:

Curtis Mayfield (Superfly):

George Benson (On Broadway):

Santana (Winning):

Written by businessavante
4748 days ago

With that link I got a guy on Imus - a singer-songwriter w/a tiny accordion accompaniment. Was that a joke? The singer just played 2 chords the whole song. (It's a little 'easy-listening' for me - I like John McLaughlin the most, including his 'outside' electric jazz ripping using a ring modulator*. *A device so horrifying it makes fuzz guitar Sound like accordion.)

Written by yoni67
4749 days ago

BTW Duncan: We are having a pizza party for our oldest dog's 10th birthday at 8 p.m.

If you can make it here in time, you are cordially invited :)

Barash Roee St.

Building #5

Apt. 12


Written by businessavante
4749 days ago

My Kitty turned 16 June 13th. I got her on Friday the 13th - one of the luckiest days of my life! My former Kitty lived to be 22-1/2, but she was Siamese - which I recently found out is a long-lived breed.

Written by Jerusalem Post
4749 days ago

Congratulations Duncan! A belated though happy anniversary to you!

Nechama & the Post Crew

Written by businessavante
4749 days ago

Thanks, JP! I appreciate it.


Written by yoni67
4755 days ago


When I was last here, this had around 53 votes. Glad to see that it's gotten more in the meantime. It's nice to see the number of people who popped in to vote. I'm eminently pleased to see the level of recognition you have received for all you bring to this site and its members:

...dawn, morning, mid-morning, late-morning, noontime, early-afternoon, mid-afternoon, late-afternoon, early-evening, mid-evening, sundown, late-evening, 8-ish, 9-ish, 10-ish, 11-ish & around midnight :)

Written by businessavante
4755 days ago

Thanks, Yoni sometimes it Does seem like I'm always on here.

Written by saraib820
4764 days ago

Say "THANKS" to Your Moderator (Duncan) here and keep the votes coming!

Written by saraib820
4768 days ago

Hi Duncan,

I see you voting and commenting and doing your monumental Herculean job again.

But I just don't get something.

There are, I'm told 150,000 members here. Yet I figure you leave at least 50% of the comments. Which leaves me to figure that the other 149,999 members leave the other 50%. It's insane.

Your enthusiasm is noble and laudable, hence, this article that was written. I just ask though what steps, if any, the site itself is taking to get people more involved and get some action going around here. When you're not logged in, things are stagnant and nothing happens. When you log in the energy begins.

I just have to ask, though I know it's the job of others to do it, what will it take to get the other thousands participating more actively.

Sorry, I know I'm venting, but it's just frustrating watching your one-man-show of keeping things alive around here. I also imagine it might be kind of frustrating for you.

In any case, Yoni should be home on Sunday after a long, long delay and I know he will join you, but shit, that still leaves around 149,980 people - excluding the core group of 20 who can be called pretty active. Someone with authority, a decision maker in the marketing dept. needs to do something. Contests. Prizes. Banner ads on the site for the businesses of those who are bringing excitement. Some sort of incentive. Something!

In any case, I sound like a broken record but thanks for the votes, comments and your vitality and energy.

Written by saraib820
4768 days ago

I'm sure when he gets back he'll jump back in with some videos and articles he finds and start voting and commenting again. He seems to like it around here :)

Written by saraib820
4768 days ago

I would also put, if I were in charge, an automatic pop-up when people come to post that says "You have 3 new comments" and put a little default thing whereby they can't post a new topic until they answer the comments. Even if it is a simple "Thanks for reading." It gets a little depressing leaving comments that go unanswered, especially when they are longer comments with feedback and critique.

Written by businessavante
4768 days ago

p.s. Looking forward to hearing from ol' Yoni again!

Written by businessavante
4768 days ago

Hi Rivkah.

I'm glad you brought this up.

We're very lucky they contribute such high quality material. For many very busy business people, that's seems to be as much as they can do w/o spending more time here than they're comfortable with. I'm just guessing, but I assume they have at least 1 major business or job they do, then they add on blogging, and disseminating their material to places they think are a good fit (like BizSugar), not to mention many other things on their agenda.

It would be great for us if they had enough spare time to spend more of it here, but I think we're really lucky they like us enough even if all they can do is stop by and leave us some of their wisdom.

Some do take extra time to answer comments - I didn't realize it till Mir mentioned it months ago - that BizSugar doesn't notify the contributors when they receive comments (like their internal blog comment systems do). I'd say in that case, it's 50% our 'bad' when they don't reply (they'd have to look back at their old posts, which is an extra step - especially if they don't even know).

I sincerely believe this - this is not PR BS.


Written by saraib820
4768 days ago


I'm no guru, but one suggestion I would pass along to the powers that be is:

There are tons of really active people who have just disappeared in the past few months.

Maybe follow-up emails saying something like "We miss your presence at BizSugar. You were an active part of the community and you are missed. We would like to welcome you back..."

Maybe even an inquiry into why they left. These are people who were regular posters, commenters and voters. Many were very successful in getting to the Hot Topics page on a regular basis. Where are they? Why did they leave?

Maybe with your enthusiasm and industry you should just start your own site, "BizDuncan" :)

Just thoughts...

Written by saraib820
4770 days ago

BizSugar Members, Still time to thank the WORLD'S GREATEST MODERATOR!

Written by ajayjoya
4772 days ago

Great achievement ! Nice

Written by saraib820
4770 days ago


I'm so happy you found the article!

Written by businessavante
4771 days ago

Thanks, Ajay!


Written by elainerogers
4774 days ago

Duncan - happy anniversary!!

A job well done, and your interaction is the best I've seen, both here and other platforms - especially Facebook :) looking forward to connecting with you for another year. Elaine

Written by businessavante
4773 days ago

Thanks, Elaine - I appreciate it!


Written by bloggertone
4774 days ago

Nice one Yoni! From all the Bloggertone team, great job Duncan and we always love that sense oh humor. Thanks for everything, Niall

Written by businessavante
4774 days ago

p.s. Niall, a few months ago I would've said thanks to all our friends from Ireland, but now you're world-wide - good going, an more power to you!

Written by businessavante
4774 days ago

Thanks to all my friends at Bloggertone - we love ya here!!


Written by saraib820
4775 days ago

How did that happen? 53? Now I have to be on pins and needles waiting for 60??? I hope to see it. Then 70?


Written by businessavante
4774 days ago

I think the Top 10 email helped goose it up.

Written by saraib820
4775 days ago

Hi Duncan,

I just wanted to say that Yoni and I are very pleased to see the tremendous turnout of support that you received, deservedly so! It was not unexpected. When the article was written, we both knew what would happen. It was actually kind of fun to watch. From sixteen and a hot topic to twenty. Then thirty. Forty. Then fifty! You earned it.

Yoni is recovering in hospital from a tonsilectomy, made a bit rougher by his unusual immune disorder and an infection that it caused. I hope by the end of next week he will be back in action on BizSugar.

All the best and Happy Independence Day!

Written by businessavante
4775 days ago

Thanks, Rivkah - and we all wish Yoni a speedy & easy recovery!


Written by BradenM
4777 days ago


Written by jamesbrown
4777 days ago

Great work Duncan.. as a new member I just want to say thanks for all your hard work making this such an obvious place to join & hang out!

Written by businessavante
4777 days ago

Thanks, James - that's high praise from the "King of Soul"!


Written by techfordummies
4778 days ago

Great job sir!

Written by businessavante
4777 days ago

Thanks, "Figure", and uber thanks to Mr. Spock, 1st officer! (May you live long & prosper!)


Written by figurativelyspeaking
4778 days ago

Duncan, happy anniversary and great job! Thanks Yonatan for this inspiring post!


Written by tomshark
4778 days ago

Thanks Duncan, you're doing something right, check the votes and comments.

Written by businessavante
4778 days ago

Thanks, Tom - I appreciate it!


Written by wdywft
4778 days ago

HAPPY B-DAY, belated, by one day now. Hope your birthday rocked!

Written by businessavante
4778 days ago

Thanks, Anne - you're my favorite manager!


Written by saraib820
4778 days ago

"I kick puppies, give wrong directions to blind people and would sell my mother to pirates if the price was right!"

You are SO weird! Were you like this when I met you?

Your other Half

Written by gpoint
4778 days ago

Can an admin do it manually?

Written by businessavante
4778 days ago

That's a good question - if it's possible, Shawn Hessinger, our Chief Moderator & Community Director, is the guy.

Written by gpoint
4778 days ago

The vote still won't register!?

H.R. Greenpoint

Written by clickfire
4778 days ago

Belated haps to you, Duncan!

Written by businessavante
4778 days ago

Thanks Clicky!


Written by yoni67
4779 days ago

Written by businessavante
4778 days ago

Hilarious - the Flintstones "Happy Anniversary"!

Thanks, Yoni!

Written by aknews
4779 days ago

Very nice gesture Yoni. Happy anniversary Duncan :-)

Written by businessavante
4778 days ago

Thanks "Ak" - and Yoni, you do Not kick puppies - you Have 2 dogs!!


Written by yoni67
4778 days ago

Maybe a nice gesture, but I'm still a rat. I kick puppies, give wrong directions to blind people and would sell my mother to pirates if the price was right!

Written by marketingm8
4779 days ago

Thanks for your support, very much appreciated!! Keep up the great work!

Written by businessavante
4778 days ago

Thanks Peter!


Written by gpoint
4779 days ago

The vote button doesn't seem to be working but conratulations Duncan!

H.R. @greenpointtech

Written by businessavante
4778 days ago

Thanks GP - I used to work at "Falls General" (which was gobbled up).


Written by m4bmarketing
4779 days ago

Great article Yoni and congratulations Duncan. Your comments and especially your quips are worth reading every time. We appreciate your role very much and look forward to celebrating more of your anniversaries.


Written by businessavante
4778 days ago

Thanks, Susan.

Sometimes I wonder about the "quips"!


Written by yoni67
4779 days ago

My pleasure!

Had you had 13,000 votes, I probably wouldn't have written it...but 14,000? :)

That's insane. And the crazy thing is I know you read every article. 2 minutes a pop? That's a lot of reading! Kudos!

I'm getting ready to go have my tonsils taken out, hence my original prediction of being back early July. Had to post though when I saw it was one year.

In the meantime, I'm going to enjoy the rest of the day outside. Go pound sand Al Gore! Global warming? We are having one of the coolest summers in Jerusalem that anyone can remember. Actually nice and chilly. Love it!

Anyway, it was a pleasure to write and you gave me the chance, after, 42 years to use the word "moniker." You know the most famous moniker in history, right? Moniker Lewinsky. "I did not have sexual relations with that woman..."

Anyways, be well, give Wouki a pat on the head, and keep rockin'.


Written by businessavante
4778 days ago

My furry little baby was on my lap right before I logged-on. That's what it's all about, isn't it - "kids" (or a kitty in my case.)!

Written by ForestParks
4779 days ago

Happy Anniversary Duncan :)

Written by businessavante
4778 days ago

Thanks, Forest!


Written by amabaie
4779 days ago

Nice idea, this post. Thanks Duncan.

Written by businessavante
4779 days ago

Thanks, David!


Written by ShawnHessinger
4779 days ago

It's impossible to forget how critical a member of the BizSugar team Duncan is. We exchange e-mails daily and talk so often sometimes I feel like I know him better than my next door neighbors. Happy anniversary, Duncan. Hard to believe it's gone by so quickly. Hope you'll be part of the BizSugar family for many years to come.

Written by businessavante
4779 days ago

Thanks, Shawn!


Written by smallbiztrends
4779 days ago

Happy Anniversary, Duncan! Those are some impressive stats.

And thank you, Yoni, for recognizing Duncan -- it's a great thing to do. We should all do it more often.

- Anita

Written by businessavante
4779 days ago

Thanks, Anita - much appreciated!!


Written by JackieP
4779 days ago


Whoo Whoo congrats on the 1 year anniversary....and thanks to Yoni for bringing this to my attention. A huge big bouquet of flowers to you for all that you do for this community. Your votes, comments and sharing do not go un-noticed. :)

Written by businessavante
4779 days ago

Thanks, Jackie! I hope my kitty doesn't munch on the flowers!!


Written by iannarino
4779 days ago

Thanks for all you do, Duncan!

Written by businessavante
4779 days ago

Thanks, Anthony!


Written by saraib820
4779 days ago

Actually Appreciation Day is tomorrow. This is just pre-voting!

Written by businessavante
4779 days ago

Let the Fun Begin !!!

Written by businessavante
4779 days ago

Hi Yoni.

What can I say?


your friend,


Written by profit613
4779 days ago


I still can't vote. I'm getting on a plane to go back home to the U.S. tonight. My year of study abroad is over. I just wanted to say again, THANKS! It's been fun reading and voting on business articles with my hosts Yoni and Rivkah and you with your witty and wise comments have made it even more fun!

Rochelle Rochelle

Written by businessavante
4779 days ago

We'll miss you if you don't join us when you get home, Rochelle - we're only a computer click away (I can't believe I said that- I Hate computers!).


Written by profit613
4779 days ago

S.O.B.! It won't let me vote????

Written by ben.corporate@ILforums
4779 days ago



Written by businessavante
4779 days ago

Thanks, Ben - I appreciate it!


Written by profit613
4779 days ago

It won't let me vote. It says "Already Voted for This Article".


Rochelle Rochelle

Written by businessavante
4779 days ago

Hi double-R! I've had trouble with the button a few times, too. Thanks for the shout-out a couple days ago! Think of the stories you'll have to tell when you get back!


Written by lovedthisarticle!
4779 days ago

What a nice gesture!

Have a great second year as well! Thanks for the great job you do Duncan!

Heidi K.

Written by businessavante
4779 days ago

Thanks, Heidi - it feels good to get a nod once in a while!


Written by shepherd
4779 days ago


Thanks for all of those votes and comments that you bring. Most of all from someone who watched for a long time, thanks for being FAIR!

I salute you,


Written by alinisrael
4780 days ago

Great job Duncan! I was particularly impressed by the stand you took during the Hitler episode. It was nice to hear your strong voice. Thanks Yoni for letting me know that you posted this.


Written by businessavante
4779 days ago

Thanks, Shep - I do try to be fair.


Written by businessavante
4779 days ago

Thanks, Al - I appreciate your support.


Written by ShoshFromJobShuk
4780 days ago

Back to say thanks Duncan!


Yoni, feel well and thanks for letting me know of this post!

Written by businessavante
4779 days ago

Thanks, Shoshi - I appreciate it!


Written by ofirafromjobshuk
4780 days ago

Ditto and ditto!


Written by BradenM
4780 days ago

Happy anniversary and job well done!


Written by businessavante
4779 days ago

Thanks, Braden - keep flyin'!


Written by saraib820
4780 days ago

Thanks for a year of votes, great comments and for being you!

Happy Anniversay Dude!


Written by businessavante
4779 days ago

Thanks, Rivkah, and thanks for your shout-out a couple days ago!


Written by yoni67
4780 days ago

I saw it was your anniversary, so I got out of bed and posted.

Thanks Buddy!

Written by businessavante
4779 days ago

In the voice of Jim Nabors (Gomer Pyle, for the "unwashed"): "Thank-ya, Thank-ya, Thank-ya!


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