I bet a lot of bloggers are doing that and trying to make their blogs popular by working till late nights and wishing to have more than 24 hours in days...But is it really worth sacrificing your sleep too much and regularly ?


Written by tiroberts
4169 days ago

Another great post, Saqib. I agree, blogging is certainly not worth loosing sleep over. I've done this WAY too many times and all it did was slow me down and I became less productive and creative with my blogging.

I also agree with you about having brain fails, lol. I've done this several times as well. I'll be on the phone talking to my spouse while at the same time starting at my computer screen thinking about blogging stuff and completely tune out the conversation. Talk about being a blogging zombie!

Getting sufficient rest is one of the most important things we have to remember about blogging and/or working from home. It's so easy to take advantage of working at home and thinking that sleep is not that important when in fact is it.

Thanks so much for sharing this post and your insights with our BizSugar community. I've really been enjoying your content there, so keep it coming!


Written by bigmoneyweb
4169 days ago

Well, answer to this question is just one word. No ! No ..Hell No…..I have been trying to do same thing when I was new to blogging and I ended up with countless problems. Sleep is one of the most necessary things that a human body needs to stay alive and face the world. Sleeping for at least six hours everyday makes your mind fresh and your body stays in strong shape as well. If you are not sleeping properly, you might be killing your brain. Thanks for sharing.

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