Five Reasons Small Businesses Should Make the Switch to VoIP

Five Reasons Small Businesses Should Make the Switch to VoIP - Avatar Posted by maplesummit under Technology
From 5460 days ago
Made Hot by: on July 22, 2009 3:11 pm
Voice over Internet Protocol, more commonly known as VoIP, might seem revolutionary, but it's really just the natural evolution of communication. Most businesses can already support VoIP thanks to their high-quality and robust broadband Internet connection. Read More

Skype versus Google: Getting Set Up With Google Voice

Skype versus Google: Getting Set Up With Google Voice - Avatar Posted by q4sales under Technology
From 5459 days ago
Made Hot by: bloggertone on July 22, 2009 2:49 pm
Biz owners who use Skype will want to read this review. I'm a big Skype fan and have it all nicely configured. It isn't that Google Voice is free that appeals to me, but some of the additional connectivity features (SMS alert - skype now has email), transcript (this is huge). Worthwhile to read Lisa Barone's review at Small Biz Trends. Read More

EBay Gives Cash Incentives for Small Business Entrepreneurs

EBay Gives Cash Incentives for Small Business Entrepreneurs - Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under News
From 5460 days ago
Made Hot by: biancaaquino on July 21, 2009 3:26 pm
EBay's Seller's Challenge contest lets EBay entrepreneurs vie for the chance to win $25,000 in cash. Sellers have to submit business plans and one-minute videos to become eligible. The winners in four categories are chosen by public votes on their submissions. Find out how several EBay sellers are dealing with drops in sales and what they're do Read More

What CIT Bankruptcy Means for Franchising

What CIT Bankruptcy Means for Franchising - Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under News
From 5460 days ago
Made Hot by: biancaaquino on July 21, 2009 3:26 pm
CIT Group, No. 1 originator of Small Business Administration-backed franchise loans, could be going bust. News is out that they've hired a bankruptcy firm and there is a possibility that CIT's situation could set the stage for further curtailing of small business lending. How does CIT affect the lending climate?... Read More

Skype: How to Use It for Business Communications

Skype: How to Use It for Business Communications - Avatar Posted by q4sales under Technology
From 5460 days ago
Made Hot by: on July 21, 2009 3:19 pm
I love Skype, as do many others. It saves me money, but just as importantly, it saves me time. This review gives the reasons why you should consider it. Read More

Is Net Neutrality Helpful or Harmful to Internet Business?

Is Net Neutrality Helpful or Harmful to Internet Business? - Avatar Posted by sannwood under Technology
From 5461 days ago
Made Hot by: on July 21, 2009 2:21 pm
The concept of network neutrality is a highly controversial one. Advocates maintain that Internet service providers should not be allowed to manipulate Internet traffic provided by their competitors in order to speed up their own service. ISPs say they need their freedom to choose, for business development purposes. Read More

Creating a small business with Zazzle

Creating a small business with Zazzle - Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Resources
From 5467 days ago
Made Hot by: lyceum on July 15, 2009 9:35 am
How do you go about creating a small business with Zazzle, one of a number of new Websites offering content upload and sale of designs for T-shirts, mugs, hats etc. at no initial cost. Bonnie at Squidoo gives some tips in this great lens and even a list of Websites where you can publicize your creations. The possibilities seem endless for a design Read More

Lifestream Backup: Keep Your Online Life Together in One Place

Lifestream Backup: Keep Your Online Life Together in One Place - Avatar Posted by q4sales under Resources
From 5467 days ago
Made Hot by: tiroberts on July 14, 2009 4:13 pm
Web-based accounts can vanish in a moment. Take a look at Lifestream Backup for an affordable way to backup Flickr, Wordpress, Twitter, Delicious, and more. Read More

Small Business On The Cloud? Not There Yet!

Small Business On The Cloud? Not There Yet! - Avatar Posted by kimmendrez under Technology
From 5474 days ago
Made Hot by: on July 8, 2009 1:09 pm
Being a small business owner myself I often communicate latest and greatest of IT achievements to my fellow small business owners who aren't as tech savvy. Since the latest hype seem to be the cloud, I am genuinely interested in feedback of people who are not on Twitter/Facebook/LinkedIn, but who are small business owners none the less. With all t Read More

15 Applications No Online Business Can Live Without

15 Applications No Online Business Can Live Without - Avatar Posted by maplesummit under Resources
From 5475 days ago
Made Hot by: on July 8, 2009 2:47 am
If you're running an online business, and probably even if you aren't, there are some online tools that you need to know about. Not all of these tools are a necessity for every business, but no matter what you're in, there are sure to be tools below that you know you should be using. Read More

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