Email And Social Media Are Marketers' Top Choice for 2010

Email And Social Media Are Marketers' Top Choice for 2010 - Avatar Posted by williswee under News
From 5386 days ago
Made Hot by: ShawnHessinger on October 6, 2009 5:51 am
According to the “2010 Media Planning Intelligence Study”, email and social media are the top media choices for marketers in 2010. Read More

Preparing your business for swine flu and other illnesses

Preparing your business for swine flu and other illnesses - Avatar Posted by sophielb under News
From 5392 days ago
Made Hot by: biancaaquino on September 29, 2009 2:43 pm
Swine flu is a risk to all businesses but particularly to small-medium sized businesses, because it is so contagious it is hard for business owners to know how to deal with it. This blog post offers some tips and suggestions on dealing with illness in the workplace along with prevention ideas. Read More

Funny Facebook Facts

Funny Facebook Facts - Avatar Posted by smaximizer under News
From 5397 days ago
Made Hot by: tiroberts on September 24, 2009 1:49 pm
Some cool, fun and interesting facts about FaceBook, a few of which are sure to crack you up, just as they did to me! Check it out... Read More

What's the Purpose of Your Business Plan?

Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Resources
From 5400 days ago
Made Hot by: tiroberts on September 21, 2009 1:22 pm
What's the purpose of your business plan? That depends on what you are using it for, says Clayton Christopher, founder and owner of Sweet Leaf Tea Company. Christopher says his company writes a new business plan every year but it isn't the kind used to raise money from investors. Though a document to raise money is one kind of business plan, ano Read More

Small Business Guide to Self Publishing

Small Business Guide to Self Publishing - Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Resources
From 5403 days ago
Made Hot by: tomretterbush on September 18, 2009 4:54 pm
Self publishing can be an important tool for small business. Books on your area of expertise can create a whole new product line for your business and now getting published is no longer the obstacle it once was. The self publishing revolution with technologies like print on demand at the forefront have revolutionized the publishing industry. This Read More

Search Market Reaches More Than 100 Billion Searches A Month

Search Market Reaches More Than 100 Billion Searches A Month - Avatar Posted by williswee under News
From 5410 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia9moser on September 15, 2009 2:04 pm
There must be good reason why Google, Bing and even Facebook are placing so much focus on improving search. comScore released their monthly report on global online search, and unsurprisingly, number of searches has grown to an amazing size. As Internet penetration deepens, search engines has become more people's common information resource. Onli Read More

Why Holding On To Old Technology Can Be Bad For Your Business

Why Holding On To Old Technology Can Be Bad For Your Business - Avatar Posted by sannwood under Technology
From 5411 days ago
Made Hot by: CindyKing on September 12, 2009 3:26 am
No one wants to spend money on new technology unless you really have to. Unfortunately, for many of us, we buy technology when what we have is no longer working. I've learned, however, that often times, keeping technology refreshed will help ensure you and your employees are working as productively as possible. Read More

Call To Action Buttons: Does Size Matter?

Call To Action Buttons: Does Size Matter? - Avatar Posted by WayneLiew under Technology
From 5410 days ago
Made Hot by: aliciatrinidad on September 12, 2009 3:18 am
Many conversion optimization cheerleaders who suggest larger buttons convert better, and some tests show even different colors can perform better. Marketing Sherpa credits cart button design as one of 7 tweaks that helped boost online sales by 30%. Read More

Five Tips for Small Business Hit by Natural Disaster

Five Tips for Small Business Hit by Natural Disaster - Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Resources
From 5420 days ago
Made Hot by: PeaceNLove on September 2, 2009 3:26 am
Here are five tips for small business hit by natural disaster that may help you survive the worst that Mother Nature can visit upon your venture and employees. Guest Blogger Dawn Rivers Baker provides these suggestions in a recent post at Small Business CEO about how to deal with the ultimate unpredictability in business. Hopefully, you will never Read More
In this guest post on the Small Business CEO, Laura Pettit Rusick, of gives four challenges and their attendant solutions for helping small to medium-sized businesses to tackle the kinds of projects that can help them grow. If you are in charge of an SMB seeking to take on the larger projects needed to take your com Read More

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