Goal Setting For the Procrasintating Go-Getter

Avatar Posted by digitalsmash under Self-Development
From http://www.betterforbusiness.com 6057 days ago
Made Hot by: on February 18, 2008 11:08 pm
No one ever said owning a business would be easy. The title of being an entrepreneur isn't something that you should take lightly. It takes a special kind of person to achieve entrepreneur-status, and an even better one to maintain it. I believe one of the biggest factors in my own success has been my ability to set goals. Read More

100 Financial Calculators Every Entrepreneur Needs

Avatar Posted by TimJustus under Finance
From http://www.businesscreditcards.com 6057 days ago
Made Hot by: Shelly on February 18, 2008 7:01 pm
Many entrepreneurs don't have the luxury of having a separate accounting department, instead doing their own number crunching. It's not always easy, but you can make it less difficult by making use of the huge number of free financial tools for businesses that are available on the Internet. Here are 100 calculators that can help you get and keep y Read More

Boosting teamwork with wikis

Avatar Posted by mssux under Technology
From http://money.cnn.com 6058 days ago
Made Hot by: on February 18, 2008 3:55 pm
At its simplest, a wiki is software that lets users work together to create and edit a collection of linked web pages. The online encyclopedia Wikipedia is the best-known example - its 85,000 contributors have written, edited, and policed the content of more than nine million entries. Like Wikipedia, all wikis benefit from the network effect: The m Read More

Small Businesses Protest Backdoor State "Activity" Taxes

Avatar Posted by Fenessy under Taxes
From http://www.allbusiness.com 6058 days ago
Made Hot by: on February 18, 2008 6:56 am
A House Small Business Committee hearing was called this week to examine a trend that is alarming small businesses across the country. A growing number of states are imposing so-called "business activity" taxes on companies that have a connection, or "nexus," with the state. A nexus can exist, even though a business has no employees or physica Read More
Powerful tips on how to get the power you have always wanted. Useful and practical strategies to help improve your negotiation. Read More

Trade Shows: 10 Tips for Tabletop Displays

Avatar Posted by Becky under Marketing
From http://www.exhibitoronline.com 6060 days ago
Made Hot by: on February 17, 2008 5:52 pm
Overlooked and undervalued by the big boys of the exhibit industry, tabletop exhibits get little respect. This pint-sized workhorse, however, can deliver just as much ROI as a booth 10 times its size -- if you know how to handle the reins. Here are 10 tips to help you make the most of you small but mighty tabletop exhibit. Read More

From Porter's Five Forces to the Permeable Corporation: A New Business Model

Avatar Posted by ArmadaIG under Strategy
From http://www.bmighty.com 6060 days ago
Made Hot by: on February 17, 2008 5:52 pm
Web 2.0 efficiencies disrupt old business models by reducing manufacturing and investment costs and decentralizing information. It's time for the permeable corporation, where success depends upon cooperation and interaction. Read More

Government Help For Small-Business Owners (No Joke)

Avatar Posted by Aaronontheweb under Resources
From http://www.business-opportunities.biz 6060 days ago
Made Hot by: on February 17, 2008 5:32 am
From the page: "Entrepreneurs were more used to dealing with red tape, endless delays in getting an answer to a question and federal employees who were frequently less than helpful.

But there are some government agencies worth your time. Consider, for example, these four" Read More

Study: Banner Ad Clickers Not Like Other Web Users

Avatar Posted by Becky under Online Marketing
From http://chiefmarketer.com 6060 days ago
Made Hot by: on February 17, 2008 5:13 am
That lead generated through your banner ad was probably from a consumer between the ages of 25-44, with a household income under $40,000. This demographic accounted for 50% of all banner-ad clicks, despite comprising only 6% of the population, according to a new study. Read More

Design Inspiration: the Anatomy of a Great Blog Ad at Randa Clay Design

Avatar Posted by JohnH under Advertising
From http://randaclay.com 6060 days ago
Made Hot by: on February 16, 2008 6:49 pm
It's hard enough creating effective banner ads of any size, but it's especially difficult to create an ad that's only 125px X 125px (a popular size for blog ads). Randa Clay offers some great examples of these tiny ads. If you can create an effective version of one of these, you create an effect ad at any size. Read More

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