So, you have chosen to be an entrepreneur and you have done your homework to choose the line of business in which you have your core competency. Now comes the investment part in the line up of activities. The key question is how much capital is required, how you will you raise it, and how difficult Read More
Before the March 1st RRSP deadline, tax payers are asking themselves important tax related questions; Should I put my money in a Tax Free Savings Account (TFSA) or in my RRSP?, When is the right time to move from a province to province?, Should I file my taxes even though I have not made much money Read More
When you are running a home-based business, it is easy to assume that your homeowner’s policy covers whatever happens. This, however, is not always the case. Read More
Want to start a business? Many have the capital, but wonder how to realize this dream without a good idea? Don’t worry. There are plenty of people out there who do have good ideas and who would love to take on a partner. The reason is that, while, these business owners may have the good idea, visio Read More
In the past week the central banks of Sri Lanka, US, Hong Kong, Norway, Namibia, Sweden, Botswana, Egypt, Switzerland, India, Poland, Turkey, Chile, Columbia all met to review monetary policy settings. Read More
As a chronic procrastinator I tend put all my non “attend to immediately” documents in baskets and boxes resulting in, at year end, a colourful array of documents. There are letters, bills, invoices, receipts, statements and the occasional delivery menu that did not get filtered out. The intentio Read More
The winner of The Great Emerging Franchise was just announced, and it's a young company that is in the food business...but not just any food business. This one rolls... Read More
In my previous blog post I introduced the two key accounting documents that you use to manage you business. This post concentrates on the first one of these:The Profit and Loss Account or P&L. The Bottom Line... Read More
three main steps to help you manage the income you receive as well a few ideas to help facilitate the growth and stability of that income. Read More
Franchising has become one of the current trends in starting a business. A lot of budding entrepreneurs are venturing in franchising for many reasons. However, do we really know the advantages of franchising and is a good choice to start-up a business? The first advantage of franchising is that the Read More

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