I admit I am far too guilty of trying to rationalize what my eyes are seeing as the market seems to defy gravity and continues to move higher. I usually laugh when I see some respected pundit or the CNBC zoo-crew provide a reason for market movement (almost always after the fact) as the answer is usually never as complicated as they make it out to Read More
China is stockpiling commodities as part of a reallocation of its sovereign wealth amid concern that its dollar assets may decline! China is one of the fastest growing nations on Earth right now. So, when China does something, the world listens. Read More
Author Paul Facella teaches us a lot about the franchise business model, in this guest post on Joel Libava's Franchise King blog... Read More
If you need more capital for your business, consider applying for a business development grant at NASE. Individual grants will be made in amounts of up to $5,000 per applicant. Read More
Does it seem like that every party you go to there is a guy there who sells insurance? This article will prepare you with the comeback lines for him to leave you alone for good. Read More
Credit report is essential for getting good credit terms. Read why. Read More
With the latest national association of realtors report being less than spectacular (median home price down 14%), and the economy starting to show signs that a bottom may be nearing in the later part of 2009, will real estate actually start appreciating in the near future? Probably not!  Read More
ust to illustrate this point here's a run down of the level of turbulence in the economy over the past 100 years, look at these trends and you decide when the best time to be selling or marketing. I personally think it's not about the environment but our reaction to it that determines our destiny. An overview of turbulent times in the past 80 Read More
Oil and the Euro Tend to treavel in the same direction (over time). This also helps to influence the UD$ downward. For these reasons, I'd say it's a higher probability if someone is a buyer of the Euro vs a seller of it. Read More
With the country being in debt to itself and foreign nations, and its people borrowing money like there is no tomorrow, it's hard to know how much is too much. Below I've outlined some “rules of thumb” that you should be living your life by. Read More

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