As we know, this recession's going to be pretty serious. We've already seeing very significant drops in the value of companies, we've already got debt coming out of the system, and deflating asset values. Read the full article on Read More
Everything that you need to know before starting up or buying a franchise Read More
If you want to earn some money in something apart from just simply buying a property here in Spain off the main site,, then here are some options. We can help you out with all of the things below and if you have friends or colleagues you refer you can get a commission. Read More
Although retailers are licking their wounds after reporting their worst holiday shopping seasons in years and President Obama began working on an economic stimulus package long before his inauguration, not everyone is bemoaning the current economy. There are a number of resourceful entrepreneurs who decided to make lemonade from the lemons of 2008 Read More
Microsoft hits the big time. {In firings} What does this mean for us? Read More
What if $700 billion was loaned to small business instead of to Wall Street banks, where we still don't know how it's being used? I guarantee we'd create some jobs, we'd turn our economy around this quarter, not year. Read More
The 2nd Annual Small Business Trends website, Franchise Trends article. Read More
The State Bank of India, the country's largest bank, has had to shut down its corporate website after overseas hackers tried to break in. Read More
Business leaders are calling for more help for small and medium sized businesses. Hear their calls and thoughts here. Read More

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