This article from talks about lawsuits and your small business and deals most specifically with the conditions under which you might have to consider bringing suit. Though the article says little about defending your business against a lawsuit but the inner workings of the issue are what are most important here. As the article explains, if you are in business it is likely that at some Read More
This post from CrowdSpring looks at many different aspects of trade names, Trademarks and logos from the perspective of small business. This post deals with an overview of the legal issues connected to each and what is involved for the small business that must deal with them. We would love to see other links to helpful posts and articles containing important legal tips for small business so pleas Read More
Here are 5 tips to finding the perfect small business attorney from FindLaw, an interesting legal resource which publishes a blog entitled "Free Enterprise" dedicated specifically to the legal concerns of small businesses. In this post, we examine a series of issues to take into consideration when trying to identify and then screen possible candidates for your small business attorney. Some of the Read More
Do you think your small business is protected against predatory lending and unscrupulous financial practices? Think again. Many small businesses are being caught in an unfair Catch-22, and the government is not taking action to protect you. If your small business has debt, then the laws that protect consumers from predatory practices may not apply Read More
Scott Walker, a corporate law attorney, talks about mistakes that entrepreneurs tend to make which can be very costly to the small business owner. Read More
This is the best list of legal tips for startups I've seen. It's written by an attorney with 25 years helping startups in Silicon Valley. Read More
This article from Microsoft Small Business Center gives some helpful tips for protecting your business from lawsuits. Again, however, it's best to use common sense here and consider exactly how many assets you really have to protect in the beginning. How big a target is your small business for a lawsuit and how much will it cost in legal fees to Read More
From deciding on the legal form of your new business to issues of intellectual property with new products and services, this "bootcamp" with students at the Darden School of Business at the University of Virginia provides a wealth of information and some food for thought. You'll be introduced to a variety of legal organizations from C and S cor Read More
You've probably already thought about incorporating your business. But figuring out how to get started, what kind of incorporation you may need and how to make sure it's done right are all important considerations. This article from Home-Based Business Online tells you a bit more about why you may need to incorporate, what kind of incorporation Read More
Speaking to the American Medical Association in Chicago, Obama insists the status quo cannot be sustained: 'Reform is not a luxury, it is a necessity.' President Obama today called the cost of healthcare a "ticking time bomb" that threatens to slow the nation's economic recovery as he pushed a massive reform plan during an appearance in Chi Read More

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