My newborn son has taught me so much about time management in such a short time.

These time management tips are fundamental for adults too! Read More
Dog owners know that our furry friends love to sniff the air for new smells after it rains. They get easily distracted and enthralled with ever turn of a corner. Our business worlds are not unlike dogs. By staying constantly available, we are being distracted more than ever, and it is effecting Read More
Who's the real and right boss in your business? Is it you, your key personnel, your customers or someone else. Learn an enlightening answer. Read More
Don’t get swamped by too many things to do, too little time to do them. Learn how to prioritize tasks and take control of your life. Read More
Oracle Certification offers many opportunities for computer systems professionals. You need to understand the requirements of each of the certification paths. Read More
RIM (maker of the Blackberry line of mobile devices) is facing a lawsuit from a smaller software developer based upon its decision to use "BBX" as the name of its next-generation operating system. The problem? The smaller developer already owns a trademark in "BBX" for use in connection with OS-rel Read More
Life comes with its ups and downs. But what do you do when the downs keep heading towards you in unmanageable waves? It's not just a matter of sink or swim. How you choose to stay afloat can make all the difference in the long-run. Read More
A good plan is just the first step to the success of a project. As a project manager you have to track the project’s evolution and make sure it follows the initial plan as much as possible. And the easiest way to accomplish this is through the use of project tracking software. Read More
Most small business owners hate credit card processing companies for the exorbitant amount of money they charge. That is why it is important to do your homework before you sign up with the merchant processing company. Read More
Today, there are multitudes of people out there seeking jobs without any major or formal area of specialization. Sure, they have a general business degree, but no area of specialization in business or specialized training of any kind. Read More

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