Pay attention... focus... concentrate... prioritize... Easy to say but hard to do when so much is vying for your attention. What strategies can help you master these basic concepts? You are bombarded with so much information today that you can lose the ability to find time to think. Everything is being thought out for you. Companies want to hand y Read More
Time management tips for the speed of modern workplaces Read More
An ideal scenario for increased productivity would be to approach your desk every day with your work already prioritized and your schedule set up so that you have a block of time marked off for uninterrupted work. There would be nothing on the desk to divert your attention while you are working. Your sole focus would be on the current project. Read More
Multitasking: Everyone does this to some extent. Some people attempt to do more things at once than others, but it is almost a requirement now to be able to work. I recently heard of a job posting that listed “multitasking abilities” as one of the prerequisites for the job. Read More
Instead of trying to take on the whole world at once, consider unitasking. Focus completely and solely on one goal, achieve it, and move on to the next goal. You will see an increase in your achievements and a higher quality result as well. Read More
The next five people to email me get the MBTI Step II, Form Q for half price! Read More
What's the most important role for senior partners: worker bee or queen bee? Stewart Weltman makes the case that the unpopular answer here is the one that will make your clients happiest and boost your firm's bottom line. Read More
Professional Services Guru David Maister has made an offer on his website to give a free copy of his book, Strategy and the Fat Smoker, to a senior executive or managing partner of your firm. Do it quickly. The offer is only good for the first 100 eligible senior executives or firm managing partners. Read More
If a promotion is one of your goals for the next year, are you doing everything you can to make it happen? Read More
Small business owners are not always the best employee motivators. Some are so wrapped up in operational issues that their people skills fall short. If your business already has employees or plans to hire them, these individuals will be critical to your success. You need to learn how to elicit good results from your employees without micromanaging Read More

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