By now, all and sundry familiar with the crowdfunding industry know that the real estate sector is booming. Narrowing the focus here, however, let’s look at hospitality crowdfunding specifically – projects that fundraise hotels. This is a little less common, but advantageous nonetheless to interest Read More
Investor protection is a key part of any legislation that seeks to open up opportunities to the general public. Read More
The US is the first and only country in the world actually changing its charters to allow crowdfunding for equity to roam freely among its citizens. Read More
For traditional loans, applicants need a credit score above 700 to be eligible for approval. Although numerous options exist for those denied by the banks, debt crowdfunding has emerged as a popular and viable choice for those in need of personal and professional financing. This is because leading Read More
Rather than ‘thank-you’s’ or perks for crowdfunding campaigns, equity crowdfunding consists of actually buying a percentage of a company in exchange for funding. This allows everyday people access to investments in startups, which has traditionally only been available to accredited investors and in Read More
Many young entrepreneurs are programmed to think that getting an enormous payday from a VC is the only way to move their startup forward, and they choose to focus on the dollar signs instead of building a company that can last and thrive within its means.
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A Business Line of Credit may be the perfect source of funds for your small business. But what's available and how do you apply? Read More
Today crowdfunding has turned the world into an increasingly collaborative place, with people from everywhere creating and supporting a variety of amazing projects and causes, and sharing them with friends and communities. More and more people get into crowdfunding and take advantage of their socia Read More
It is definitely investor protection, as you mentioned. We are moving ever closer to having equity crowdfunding regulated in all EU countries. This is a good thing for everyone. Equity crowdfunding will not become a viable alternative for the larger populace of potential investors until the safety Read More
Financial services in the UK have waited months for the FCA’s updated guidelines regarding social media promotion. Now that the regulatory body has released its directives, however, crowdfunders are less than pleased. According to a recent Times article, the FCA asks equity crowdfunding portals to Read More

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