Every business needs money to thrive. But if you are just starting out, where do you get the money to start your business?

The simple answer to where do you find the money to start your business is: anywhere you can. Here are ten ways you can find money to start your small business. Read More
Unconventional ways for budding entrepreneurs to get money quickly when they need to keep their fledgling company afloat. Read More
If you’re not having luck with getting a small business loan from a bank and investors aren’t banging down your door to provide you with a smaller amount of money, consider crowdfunding as an alternative. Read More
You need money to start and grow a small business. Getting the financing you need to start or grow your business can be daunting. However, you can get the money you need for your small business finance from crowdfunding. But, is crowdfunding right for your small business? Read More
Starting a small business with a credit card may not be ideal for long-term financing. However, if you need money for a shorter period and are able to pay back the money within 10-12 months, a credit card may actually be a great financing option for you right now.

Here's why:... Read More
A business loan can provide you with the capital you need to create a successful company. Getting that business loan, however, is a challenge in many cases – especially if you are a startup with no established business history. Read More
What are some short term solutions that can help your small business reach that next level so that you can qualify for traditional financing? Read More
Facebook’s IPO resembles several of the notable IPO flame-outs in recent years. The following 13 IPO’s were real doozies. It says a lot about all the underwriters and inside investors involved in those deals as well as the fast lane to riches culture that has become the new American Dream. Read More
This is one of the most commonly asked questions posted by entrepreneurs and owners of young businesses in the SBA Community. And, in most cases, the answer is “no.” However, some small businesses, particularly those engaged in “high-tech” innovation or scientific research and development, can bene Read More
Startup Lessons From Elite Entrepreneurs

But, the game’s out there, and it’s play or get played. That simple.

–Omar Little, HBO’s The Wire

Have you ever found yourself wondering how your startup got dropped so quickly by the competition and was made to “eat t Read More

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