Most of us on BizSugar own a blog that we're proud of, but are you earning from that blog yet? What if you were able to practice your skill and get paid for it? Check out my latest post and get paid for writing articles on your free time. Read More
There are some ways you can consider in getting your virtual startup funded - no matter wherever you are, but the most practical way is via crowdfunding. Read More
Stepping outside of the overly popular and saturated arena of crowd-funding and small business bank loans, this article discusses other avenues small business owners and entrepreneurs can find money: Small Business Investment Companies. Read More
Selling equity is a common, even traditional, method of raising funding. But new options (like contests and crowdfunding sites) make it possible for entrepreneurs to delay or avoid it entirely. Read More
When your personal endeavours might not make a good project on some crowd funding platforms, you will certainly find GoFundMe as a good home for your causes. Read More
Please let us know what you think about by sharing it with your readers and win Kiva Cards! Details of the contest inside. Read More
One of the most well-sought-after startup funding method is by pitching your business plans to angel investors. Why angels? Read More
Every revolution needs a leader.  But when it comes to revolutionizing the funding landscape for millions of entrepreneurs and small business owners, it takes a crowd. Here are 10 most influential people in making crowdfunding happens. Read More
Finding the right venture capital firm (VC) is an integral step in establishing your startup company. Here is a tool that can help you out in your search. Read More
One of the latest trends in small business fundraising is crowd funding. Crowd funding – a branch of crowd-sourcing – is asking a group of people for small amounts of money to fund and idea or a project. The concept taps into the power of the greater public to help you realize a financial goal in o Read More

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