Secured Loans have been an option that many small businesses have turned to but these do come with risks. Here are some issues you need to consider. Read More
One of the most daunting tasks entrepreneurs face while starting a business is to raise the start-up or investment capital. In the yesteryears, entrepreneurs used to lure in investors by displaying fresh and new technological ideas. However, in today’s times, entrepreneurs have changed their idea o Read More
Looking for your small business startup funding? Here are some potential resources avenues to investigate for both debt- or equity-based funding. Read More
The more I learn about startups the more I realize that one’s chance of succeeding is a continuum rather than some kind of binary state.

In other words, when you read a blog post that talks about “X Ways to Succeed with Your Startup” what they really mean is “X Ways to Potentially Increase Your Read More
If you can convince an investor that they should work with you, you are off to a great start. Here are some tips on how to attract investors for your startup. Read More
Some of the tricks used by Shark Tankers are exposed.

Kevin O’Leary is famous for this deal. He waits for the other Sharks to say “I’m Out” and then he knows he’s the only possibility left for the entrepreneur. So then it suddenly doesn’t matter at all what they are asking for. Let’s say the ent Read More
Business planning expert, competition judge, and angel investor Tim Berry explains some things he looks for when reading business plans. Read More
Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding Explained

Most people still don’t fully understand how crowdfunding works. So with that in mind here is a short video that explains how the system operates to bring entrepreneurs and investors together. Read More
It’s no secret that small businesses can have a hard time getting financing. So before you approach lenders, make sure you ask yourself: how can I maximize my chances of getting credit approval? Here are five simple things you can do to up the odds of getting your funding approved. Read More
If you're one of the young college-aged franchise buyers, can you get a small business loan from a non-family member? Like from a bank? Find out today. All young entrepreneurs need to read this post. Read More

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