If you care about the social value of the businesses you start, grow or invest in, take this tour of the future of impact investing. Read More
Coming up with an idea for a new business can be pretty simple. Finding the money to launch said concept is another story. Read More
If your strategy to grow your business involves securing funding from a Venture Capital (VC) firm, one of the first things they will want you to do is move off of QuickBooks and on to a GAAP-compliant accounting solution. Read More
The Transitional Business Model

One of the key differences that I see over and over between successful and unsuccessful entrepreneurs is the willingness to use a transitional business model initially as a means of establishing a beachhead in the target industry. Another way of saying this is tha Read More
I was reminded yesterday that sometimes the best financing for an emerging startup is innovative loan financing, from savvy investors, rather than straight investment or commercial borrowing. Read More
Starting your own business is tough you will need to be prepared to hit some obstacles on the way towards having your successful small business. Read More
There are many different methods of obtaining financing for your business. When seeking financial backing from an outside source, ask yourself: Which is best for my company? Read More
There's an old saying that anyone with a business degree has heard: in uncertain times, cash is king. And it's true in one sense. But it takes some experience to learn that there is such a thing as having too much cash. Read More
In general, it is best to have the cash to pay for things upfront as opposed to using debt to finance large items. Of course, we all don’t have $50,000 laying around to start a new business, but save up as much as possible so that you minimize the amount of debt that is required to finance your new Read More
Are you looking for new sources of capital for your business? If you’ve had trouble getting financing from banks, there is one other source you may want to tap into: your own customers.
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