The number of choices available to entrepreneurs for business financing can be bewildering, but some of the most popular options are the following... Read More
Learn how to secure Small Business financing through the SBA. Join the SMB Roundtable and head directly how to secure much needed capital for your small business. David Sussman, CEO at VALCOR interviews SBA Director of Entrepreneur Development, Michael Chodos. Read More
Are you a small business owner who is looking for a creative platform and funding for your business? Would you like to test the waters without investing all your time and energy in developing products and services? Then Kickstarter is just the place for you. Here are 4 reasons why Read More
As the Western Hemisphere rides out Austerity, you might be thinking of ways to boost your income. Even if you have a stable job, or a successful business, there is no harm in creating another income stream, however small, for times when work is less buoyant. If taking on a second job is not necess Read More
"How do you find money to start a business?"

"How much money do you need to start a business?"

What do you need to do to get a small business loan?"

Some start-ups are actually getting the money they need at exceptionally-low interest rates. Others are receiving funds from average individu Read More
Andrew Schrage, Founder and Editor of Money Crashers, launched his start-up SparkCharge Media – a conglomeration of financial websites including MoneyCrashers, in 2008. He started his business on a shoestring budget at the height of the recession.
“With my business plan, I knew how much I had in s Read More
Sam Lazarus of Best Corporation, Inc., who is also a ServiceMaster franchisee, in Kansas, has seen significant savings in his business by adopting various cost cutting measures. Let’s hear it from Sam himself -

“With the economic downturn,as a small business owner I have systematically focused o Read More
Good news about small business financing is rare these days, but a new report on angel investing offers a bright spot in the clouds: Angel investment in small businesses is on the upswing, according to Q1 Q2 2011 Angel Market Trends. While angel investment slumped in the depths of the recession, th Read More
Crowdfunding takes a huge step forward

House Passes McHenry Crowdfunding Bill Removes Barriers to American Innovation, Job Creation Washington, Nov 3 – WASHINGTON Today, Congressman Patrick McHenry (NC-10), Chairman of the Oversight Subcommittee on TARP, Financial Services and Bailouts of Public Read More
In a perfect world it should be possible to start a new business on deposits and advance payments for goods or services. After all the basic aim in business is to make a profit, and as long as you are Read More

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