Small businesses seeking capital in Michigan have a new source of options thanks to the Small Business Administration. The SBA last month announced that InvestMichigan! Mezzanine Fund will be the first licensed Impact Investment Fund in the SBA’s new Impact Investment Initiative. The $130 million v Read More
Are you a business-to-business marketer looking for new prospects who own growing firms? Are you a trend-watcher looking to spy up-and-coming new trends your business can profit from? If either of these descriptions fits you, you could benefit from paying attention to the growing trend of crowdfund Read More
This article gives an essential insight into what is available online if you are looking to raise money through crowd funding. It will also help you to assess the various methods and their pros and cons. Read More
How revenue-based funding can work for startups

The VC model really only works for the “home-runs” so this approach makes sense for great businesses that make money but aren’t swinging for the fences. “We think businesses that make $1-5m/ year in revenue are great businesses and our long term vi Read More
If you’re looking for angel capital, what’s the best way to boost your chances of success? Does it depend on your connections? Your business plan? The images you use in your PowerPoint presentation?
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With the recession dragging on and lenders remaining stingy with the loans, you might not be able to pursue traditional means of obtaining business funding. Here are a few ways to find these elusive creatures. Read More
Crowd funding should use the late great James Ling as its poster boy.

Let me tell you about this great but little known American entrepreneur. His name comes to mind whenever someone mentions crowd funding.

I first discovered James Ling (1922 – 2004) at about the age of ten when I came across Read More
While crowdfunding is booming there’s a problem that comes with it. The seed capital amounts it enables you to raise tend to be small. The majority of crowdfunding transactions raise $25,000 or under for the borrower. This amount is not going to get you very far in most cases. However, there is a w Read More
It may have noting to do with sales, marketing or products and services, but how you manage your money is at the core of your small business. What are the best suggestions you can share with your fellow entrepreneurs? We’ve added our suggestions below.
Success Story

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These days, most venture capital investors would take a an A team with a B idea over a B team with an A+ idea Read More

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