Sometimes businesses function better when they team up with others. After all, every business has shortcomings that can be solved with help from another business. What do you think about joint ventures? Read this article! Read More
The first step to getting a small business loan is to prepare your credit report. If your company is a start-up, you will need to depend on your personal credit history rather than your business credit. Banks and other lenders want to lend funds to reliable borrowers that they can trust, because th Read More
Take control of working capital financing with The Receivables Exchange's Capital Access Calculator. Read More
Yet for those looking to open their own operation and live their dreams, financing that grand vision may offer less of a rosy view. Here are some issues to think about before deciding on anything. Read More
With tax season approaching amid one of the worst budget crises in recent memory, businesses both small and large are left waiting to see how the actions of federal, state and local governments will impact their own finances. As those on the left call for higher taxes in order to meet deficits and Read More
While it’s not news that small business lending was down in 2009-2010 compared to its peak in 2008, the good news is that small business lending began to stabilize during that time period, according to the Office of Advocacy’s latest edition of Small Business Lending in the United States.
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I blogged recently on GrowSmartBusiness about new loan programs from the Small Business Administration (SBA). But when it comes to financing, the federal government isn’t the only one reaching out to entrepreneurs these days.

With the worst of the Great Recession behind them, banks are feeling m Read More
I found out this new trend to raise capital without using venture capitalists! Entrepreneurs themselves raise their own money! Read More
Recently, small business owners were offered to participate in particular stimulus programs provided by the government which were aimed to encourage hiring people. Read More
In the near future, business success will rely on high-tech solutions to improve cash flow. It's already happening. Read More

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