Thanks to the ever-evolving online business services, entrepreneurs with limited startup budget can now tap into a new powerful funding option: crowdfunding. Read More
Following our popular post on why eBay sucks for sellers, I decided to write a similar post on Fiverr. Fiverr is a website, that allows people to post gigs, or services they are willing to complete for $5. The concept is simple but ut further investigation reveals its many flaws Read More
As demand increases, companies face a number of challenges, not least of which is controlling cash flow sufficiently to take on new business. With banks still stingy with credit, how can small and midsize businesses access enough capital to take advantage of new opportunities in 2011? Read More
How to find, approach, and close angel investors.

Who are angel investors?

They are typically entrepreneurs themselves. Angel investors differ from venture capitalists in that they are investing their own hard-earned money into your company rather than that of institutional investors. They u Read More
Business Plan is finished. Business Case is rock solid. Marketing Plan ready to go. What next? You need cash, right otherwise you can't move from business plans to business planning. Read More
To expand its growing global video game streaming service, Playcast Media Systems Ltd. announced today that it has raised $10 million in Series B financing from MK Capital and JVP. Read More
For this giveaway we decided to team up with CodeMyConcept. You have the chance to win a $500 CodeMyConcept gift card. Have an awesome website idea? Don't know how to code? Don't worry, CodeMyConcept will turn your design into a workable site. Read More
Financing a business startup or expansion may be easier in 2011. That's because a recent report suggests increased demand for business loans has motivated some banks to move back into the market. The question is whether these loans will also be available for small businesses or whether lending will Read More
In recent weeks, just as we’ve watched companies like Groupon, Facebook, Zynga and Twitter add over $2 Billion (that’s $2 BILLION) in new venture capital, we’re also seeing companies like Yahoo and Myspace in the news as well. Only, in the case of Yahoo we were learning about layoffs (560 employees Read More
Here are some thoughts from Mike Scanlin on raising money:

Don't hire your family members (or girlfriend/boyfriend) for executive positions in the company. It would be best if they weren't in the company at all, but if they are they certainly should not have a reporting relationship where one re Read More

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