Standing up against political correctness, censorship and net neutrality before the corporate giants force smaller websites and Bloggers out of business. Read More
The internet has given a big opportunity to grow businesses and reach targeted groups. These days, you can view social networking as something that businesses are starting to pay attention to. And this is because by networking effectively on the web, you tend to increase your reach and adapt new ch Read More
Find the right internet marketers, the Internet Marketing world is filled with bad marketers that you shouldn’t waste time on their email lists. Read More
Too often, we tend to think of our value propositions as static.  Effective value propositions will change as we execute our sales process. Early on, as we Read More
Many of the great achievements of the world were accomplished by tired and discouraged men who kept on working   - - Unknowns Yet another perspective on the power of persistence! Read More
Chris Heuer wrote this very thought-provoking post on how our approach to business must adapt to survive. It's a great read about developing a better strategy to address today's business - and marketing - concerns. Read More
For this week cloud news roundup, we highlight the slump of stock prices in cloud sector, allegedly caused by strong expectations toward cloud computing stocks. Read More
All the experts these days are talking about the increasing need for customer focus and maximizing sales. Typically entrepreneurs and even professional sales people think this means more emphasis on the customer selling process, when in fact it means spending more time understanding the customer bu Read More
Taking off from my last post, here is a feature on a social enterprise with a difference. Culture Aangan, a venture launched with the objective of creating tourism infrastructure in Sindhudurg, India. Read More
It’s amazing how rapidly the world of telephone communication has changed over the last 20 years. It’s hard to imagine that, not so long ago, people were communicating with one another with long letters, telegrams and, latterly, perhaps the occasional phone call. Read More

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